The first time was in 1980 at the Pompidou in Paris, but only after several years I met her again, on the occasion of Fantadia in Caerano S. Marco. I was so fascinated that I already saw some of my photographic work told with this seductive expressive form.
The multivision, much more easily than a film, has the power to carry you in a dreamlike dimension, captures you gently and gently thanks to the skilful mix of music and images that, in perfect sync, interweave and fade into soft fades, so confuse reality and daydream.
I succeeded shortly thereafter, once again the Radicchio di Treviso was the protagonist. “Flowers in winter” we called it, a multivision born from the work of a group of people with different skills, a wonderful experience of creative and artistic enrichment built thanks to the professional direction of the friend Enrico Soci. A work of 97 in slide with 7 projectors, never converted into digital and therefore unusable and now irretrievably lost.

Years later a collaboration with Francesco Lopergolo was born, convinced of the assonance between the dreamlike atmospheres of my creative reportages and of his multi-directional style, starting from the work on Prosecco, “Dreamy Prosecco”.
However, my conviction on the validity of interpreting the multivision as a real group work and as a fusion of different competences, as happens for the cinema, has pushed me to look for new ways. “L’incanto e l’arcano” is the result of the collaboration with my daughter Valentina and Paolo Nataletti, both professionals in the world of communication and design, different from me for culture, sensitivity and above all registry office. Now the group has been enriched with the entry of Luca Scattolin, just over twenty, for an even larger registry, with experience in the music and multimedia sector.

The team is ready, and I am the first to be curious to see how our different experiences will converge and which will be the roads we will take.



multivision in panoramic format, duration 13 minutes
photo Paolo Spigariol, Mara Zanato
directed by Enrico Soci, edited by Massimo Sedusi AZ

1997 work in slide, with 7 projectors, realized on behalf of the Consorzio Radicchio of Treviso and Castelfranco, never converted into digital.


multivision in panoramic format, duration 6.32 minutes
by Paolo Spigariol and Francesco Lopergolo

Emotional tale of bubbles, wine and Prosecco grapes.


multivision in panoramic format, duration 7.11 minutes
by Paolo Spigariol and Francesco Lopergolo

The soul of Brunello di Montalcino in a minimal story that speaks of a dream, the “true dream” of Roberto Cipresso.


multivision in panoramic format, duration 6.20 minutes
by Paolo Spigariol and Francesco Lopergolo

Grape Dorona, Venissa wine, the story of a native vine of the Venice Lagoon, recovered in a project based on the island of Mazzorbo (VE).


multivision in panoramic format, duration 3.30 minutes
by Paolo Spigariol and Francesco Lopergolo

screening for Unindustria Veneto on a screen of m.18 at “Le Bandie” – Lovadina.


multivision in panoramic format, duration 21.30 minutes
by Paolo and Valentina Spigariol, Paolo Nataletti

Journey into the secret Kingdom of Mushrooms, created for the 50th anniversary of the Saccardo Mycological Group of Treviso.